Friday, May 18, 2012

So just to clarify we hiked Table Mountain in an hour and a half and definitely weren't the last ones up. It was definitely a tough hike but we dominated that mountain. 

Thursday we had the opportunity of going to the Amy Biehl Foundation. The Amy Biehl Foundation was formed after Amy Biehl, a 26 year old from the U.S., went to South Africa to help the blacks after the Apartheid. One day she was driving through Cape Town and didn't realize there was a mob. Her car got stopped and the angry black South Africans thought she was their enemy like many white people were and threw bricks at her and stabbed her to death. Four men took part in her murder and were all sentenced 18 years in prison. When those men realized she was there to help them remorse filled them and one man in particular expressed how sorry he was to her parents. Instead of responding with hatred her mother went as far as traveling to South Africa and meeting the men who killed her daughter. She forgave and reconciled them. She worked to free the specific man who she had met that was so remorseful and formed a relationship with him that grew till they were like family. The foundation was formed and now two of the men who killed Amy are working to provide education for black children and giving them the opportunity to learn sports and arts and have a hopeful future. They also educate them on AIDS, drug abuse, and preventing teen pregnancy. We went to one of the locations and got to see each of the different activities they do for the children. The kids were playing all sorts of instruments and dancing. They were all so talented and loved putting on a show for us.

 For dinner that night we went to a place called Mama Africa where we branched out and tried ostrich, springbok, kudo, and crocodile kebobs. There was a fun African band in the background which made this even more of a memorable experience.

 Today we went to class in the morning then finished our homework that was due tonight. For dinner we went to a fun local place in Camps Bay which is one of the nicer parts of Cape Town. The restaurant was called Ocean Blue, and it had a beautiful view of the ocean. We tried new seafood like Prawns and Kingfish, both very popular here in Cape Town. It was so much fun to fellowship with new friends and have another great South African meal.

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